
Prayer is vital to the life and ministry of Grace Covenant Church. It is our most basic God-directed act, connecting us to God and his work. As one renowned missionary noted: 

When we work, we work. 

When we pray, God works.”


Our desire is that every relationship and every work be born out of and sustained through prayer. It is an element of every service, meeting, and gathering we have. We are encouraged to pray kingdom prayers for one another, as well as for those in our community, our country, and around our world. 

In addition to private prayer, we offer opportunities to come together to pray as a church family.

Sunday Mornings

On Sunday mornings, we have Three-Fold Cord Prayer teams who pray for the morning worship service: for the ministers, the message, for the worship and the people.

Quarterly Prayer Dinners

One evening each quarter, we gather for a congregational dinner and time of worship and prayer.  Each quarter offers a different focus: the needs of our church and our various ministries; for our missionaries, Un-Reached & Persecuted Peoples around the world; for our city; and for our Nation on the National Day of Prayer. Since this is such an important aspect of our fellowship, we do not plan any other evening meetings or gatherings during those weeks.

Prayer Chains

We support one another throughout the week through our Prayer Email and Phone Chain. To sign up for the prayer chain, contact the Grace Covenant office.

Pastors & Elders

Grace Covenant's Elders & Pastors are available to pray for anyone who desires prayer, in with accord with James 5.13-16.  To schedule a time of prayer, speak with any of the Elders or Pastors, or contact the Grace Covenant offices

Our hope and prayer is that God would continue to grow us to be a church of  God-dependent people, a body that never tires to pray about all things, at all times. All for God's glory!


If you would like more information on our prayer ministry, or if would like to share a prayer request, please contact Kathy Buhl, or call the church office at 757-220-0147.